Backstory: I pitched the idea of where a schlub goes to dine, drink and carouse to Time Out New York a week or so ago. (Or, alternatively, a schlub's best date spots.)
Here's what the feature's editor wrote me back:
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the story idea, but we’ll pass. It’s a nichey service idea that doesn’t translate to the mag.
Do feel free to send other pitches to our deputy ed Billie Cohen (XXXXXXXXXXXXXX).
Many thanks
Clare Lambe Malchman
Senior Features Editor
Time Out New York
Forgetting the "Hey Matt" part of the note, I don't think I've ever felt so much like Ben Stiller in my entire life... I was sorely tempted to call Ms. Malchman and say, "Uh, you guys put out a calendar magazine. Based in New York. Nichey and servicey aren't good things for a local calendar magazine?"