According to my friends at Page Six, our old pal, Seth Rogen, is back to indulging in his old high caloric ways.
(Well, that's slightly extreme... he had a big pasta dinner at a Hollywood restaurant. Everyone's entitled to such an indulgence once in a while. Doesn't mean he's off the wagon.)
But I do have to admit: I'm slightly delighted to hear this.
Not that I don't wish Rogen well, but the fact that he was always a little overweight was one of his more endearing qualities. He was a stick in the eye of the standard male movie star. It was yet another reason to like him.
But I have a personal steak (uh, stake) in this: During the Knocked Up years most of my friends told me I looked like Seth Rogen -- but better. And by that, I assumed they meant thinner. When I saw how much weight he had lost for the green hornet, I was, well, slightly worried.
Please get fat again, Seth. You can do it! Please... Please?