Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Turns out...

I picked a pretty good week to do my food blogging, because NY Magazine came out with their annual Best of New York issue, and there is much to discuss. (By the way, I know I said yesterday that I'd donate the entire week to Top Chef, specifically... but I think this is pretty much in keeping with the spirit. And it's my blog, I'll do what I want.)

As is usual with NY mag's food coverage, there is much that is interesting, much that is unassailable, much that is completely snobby, and much that is downright crazy wrong.

But I will get into the specifics over the course of the next few days. (This is my busy day at work, people. I can't do anything other than a cursory little post on Wednesdays.)

On a non-food related note about this issue: I was delighted to see them name Bonobos as the best place to get a pair of men's pants! My friend Adam is one of the guys who runs it!

Moreover, I have it on good authority that Bonobos sold Hosea (of evil TC fame) a pair of pants this week. And I also hear that they were a hair's away from outfitting the great Mickey Rourke for the Academy Awards!

You go, Bonobos!